homework 27/9/17

Kinetic theory of matter:
Is a theory that is the states of mater: liquid,solid and gas.The matter is anything that takes up space and has mass,all the this you see are make of matter.
Are the particles more Little in the world this particles make up all the things that has mater and the combination of atoms of some materials make new ones like: water, metals and some reactive materials.
Matter in motion:
Are the cominacion of irregular particulars in material like water, the scientific Robert Brown discover this irregular particulars in 1827,whit a microscope examined water and discover pollen grains and dye particles in the water,and this is part of the KINETIC THEORY.

Temperature and Heat:
Temperature is the masher of a material to determined if is cold or hot and
Heat is the then fer of thermal energy to a material, this proses make that the particles move faster and make the material hot.


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